Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Abandoned Youths

Barefooted, we traverse the deep oceans of sand.
Eyes looking forward for hidden haven.
Fire and smoke behind our backs.
Tears down our cheeks.
Lost loved ones in our hearts, slowing our steps.
But safe haven we seek.
For a place with open skies,
Free of fire and smoke.
A place foreign, not our home.
Where the land is draped in white.
There we will rest our feet,
Recover our strenghts.
And one day, when grief should visit us,
A place where tears are shed,
But fear will not haunt us.
Perhaps, only then will we remember,
Youthful pleasures.
Forever changed we are,
For we are abandoned youths.

---- PAH ---
Farewell My Muse

Fleeting like time,
Morning's mist air awakened this weary traveler,
Slowly fading in approaching sun.
Until another time, for another traveler,
Only sense of you, like distant memories, lingers.

Separated by time, divided by experience.
You graced with youth and vitality,
Me shackled by age and weariness.
Together tied by idealism and visions,
Brief partners in evanescent dance.

Neither tears nor sorrows will visit,
This eternally impervious friendship.
Difficult paths chosen, sacrifices to be made.
Leaving you to yours, my muse, I tend to mine.
With tender memory of the mist I once passed.

~ PAH ~
Passage of time and friendship

Youngsters chasing smiles,
Like the sun chasing its warmth.
You brought the wildness of New York,
I wrought of anger of my broken youth,
Yet there we were, chasing the sun.

Teenagers chasing carnal urges,
Loves and disappointments, shed our tears.
Learning our ways, gaining ourselves,
Mistakes made, lessons learned.
Yet to our counsel we kept.

We blinked, adulthood came, chased by time.
Different life paths taken,
This perpetual dance of life.
Silver strands of time visible on mirrors,
Yet I see youngters chasing the sun.

Looking at your child,
I see remnants of our youth.
Reminders of what was,
World and time have altered much,
Yet promises of future's constancy, in our eyes.

~ PAH ~

Dedicated to my best friend of 23 years...JAS..
Till then, my love...

Worlds apart, waves of time,
Relentlessly wasting away memories.
Yet forever linked we are,
By ideals, dreams, and hopes.
For a better world.

Vision of you, beckons me,
Forsaking tired feet, trudging on.
With eternal knowledge:
Each step taken,
Leads me closer to you.

If we should meet one day,
On top of mountain's peak,
Overlooking a peaceful land,
Touching love's vast blue sea.
Lets share a brief, blissful dance.

Should it be our only dance,
Let it sear deep in our souls.
Warming us during cold lonesome nights,
As we travel our separate ways.
But till then, my love....

~ PAH ~
Hmmm, I guess this would be considered to be my first post, despite having set up this blog months ago.
It has been taking this long mostly because, in my opinion, there has been little that I find to be interesting to post about. This past life that I have been leading, again in my opinion, has been a bland and uneventful one (well at least for the last 20 years), therefore, there has been little to write about. However, I am in a transitory state and hopefully, the new life will have more interesting for me to post about.
Meanwhile, here are a few poems that I have written these past few months of self re-awareness (or awakenness...no such word but meh, I am tired and this migraine is making it hard to think). These are very amateurish in quality but hey, have to start somewhere!